The definition of Silence
A requiem for a tsunami an experimental film
Tectonic plates below sealevel move and cause a high tide and possible tsunami risks, it gives a scientific amplitude and a stress amplitude, institutes are too late or too early with alarm systems. Nobody listens to the messenger, means of communication fail in remote area’s, but even close to home; what language do you need speak to be heard? People just party on and consume like there is no tomorrow. For the messenger Hermes, Mercury or Nabu It seems hard when warning for apocalyptic tendencies that take over, if a carpe diem life style is going on. Nabu in Old Babylon is the messenger of god, travel and translation. He is aware that in the current environmental crises, the ocean tide rises due to our lifestyle on this planet. In the 24hours economy, full of consumerism and big data, toxic gasses destroy our ecosystem. Absolute SILENCE does not exist anymore.
Dancer: Erwin Kiene